Ruben Fanjul Estrada


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Servicios: Skills: - Spring - Vaadin - React, angular 2/4, - TypeScript - Grunt - Symfony2, Zend, Drupal, Wordpress - JavaFx - Scrum - JAVA,J2EE,GWT - Spring, hibernate - oData - Development of security measures for gaming applications on-line - Supervision of quality control applications - Group leader - Analysts and developer applications with MongoDB ( NoSql ) and Symfony2 - Design of functional analysis as well as their requirements for making - SOAP and REST - Api Facebook,Twitter and Google - Backbone,Require,Node,Jquery, prototype and ExtJs4 - HTML5 and CSS3 , also sass and compass - Long polling for push systems. - Memcache - phpunit, selenium

Conocimientos: Skills: - Spring - Vaadin - React, angular 2/4, - TypeScript - Grunt - Symfony2, Zend, Drupal, Wordpress - JavaFx - Scrum - JAVA,J2EE,GWT - Spring, hibernate - oData - Development of security measures for gaming applications on-line - Supervision of quality control applications - Group leader - Analysts and developer applications with MongoDB ( NoSql ) and Symfony2 - Design of functional analysis as well as their requirements for making - SOAP and REST - Api Facebook,Twitter and Google - Backbone,Require,Node,Jquery, prototype and ExtJs4 - HTML5 and CSS3 , also sass and compass - Long polling for push systems. - Memcache - phpunit, selenium

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