Patricia Rey Antón

Expert in E-marketing DDBB

  • Madrid, España
  • Sin reseñas


(por hora)
  • 00 Proyectos en marcha
  • 00 Proyectos completados


Servicios: Working in marketing department with the folowing tasks and responsabilities: -Defining monthly digital strategy according to the objetives to achieve the goals of the department. -Monetizing the DDBB of the financial comparator- iAhorro: 1. Programming marketing campaigns (HTML code) 2. Operating with severals platforms of emailing: Doctor sender, Smart Focus, Accumbamail, mailchimp, M-director among others. 3. Dealing directly with comercial department and in many cases, managing the relationships with marketing agencies for negotiate the budget of the financial campaigns (banks and accurance mainly). 4. Analytic profile, studying deeply the costumer behaviour through KPIS and with a huge knowing of emailing strategies, and digital marketing area in general.

Conocimientos: Costs and Financial Accounting - Commercial Management Computing - Financial and Commercial Management - Logistics and operations - Business Organization - Spanish and International Economy - Economic and Commercial History - Commercial Communication (Publicity and Promotion) - Marketing and Ecommerce - Multivariate statistics (for business studies)

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