Dimon Zakrasin


  • Málaga, España
  • Sin reseñas


(por hora)
  • 00 Proyectos en marcha
  • 00 Proyectos completados


Servicios: I have almost 4 years of experience in programming for Android using new tecnologies and third party libraries. I have a good knowledges in OOP and MVC, have experience to work with UML. The last year I hold the Lead Android position creating the application using SCRUM in our team. You can find my skills and some of projects on my profile page. Please, feel free to contact me and we will find the best way to bring your dream to life.

Conocimientos: Java, C#, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS; Android API up to 4.4; Using Support Library; Memory Analysing Tool(MAT); SQL, SQLite; MultiThreading and background operating; Media and camera; Location and sensors; Maps API; Bluetooth communication; Setting up and using continous integration system "Jenkins"; version control systems: GIT, SVN; Tracking systems: Redmine, Jira, Trello; Automated Android UI testing; Social networks integration; Software development effort estimation.

Tecnología: JAVA - Nivel: Avanzado
Tecnología: Android SDK - Nivel: Avanzado
Tecnología: MySQL - Nivel: Medio
Tecnología: Subversion - Nivel: Básico
Tecnología: OOP - Nivel: Alto
Tecnología: XML - Nivel: Alto
Tecnología: Design Patterns - Nivel: Avanzado
Tecnología: GIT - Nivel: Avanzado
Tecnología: PHP - Nivel: Básico
Tecnología: SQLite - Nivel: Medio
Tecnología: REST - Nivel: Medio
Tecnología: JSON - Nivel: Avanzado
Tecnología: JScript - Nivel: Básico
Tecnología: Scrum - Nivel: Medio
Tecnología: Jenkins - Nivel: Medio
Tecnología: HTML - Nivel: Básico
Tecnología: C# - Nivel: Básico
Tecnología: CSS - Nivel: Básico
Tecnología: XMPP - Nivel: Básico
Tecnología: UML - Nivel: Medio
Tecnología: RSS - Nivel: Básico
Tecnología: SpringMVC - Nivel: Básico
Tecnología: Struts - Nivel: Básico
Tecnología: Hibernate - Nivel: Básico



  • StableFlow

Fun Words - Game in words!For those who knows Russian. Check up itself!Game is simple and difficult simultaneously. An essence in the following - it is necessary to make words of appearing letters which are present at Russian, game checks the dictionary on presence entered by you and if the word is to you certain points if isn´t present are added - the same quantity of points is subtracted from already earned by you. Each letter has the weight, and it with an ulterior motive, the weight depends on frequency of use of a letter in Russian words. Long it is impossible to think, on the expiration of certain time one letter vanishes and appears new, and for an unused letter at the player points equal to its weight act in film.In game there are different levels of complexity, than more difficult level that faster new letters drop out and accordingly it is necessary to think faster, but at more difficult level for each letter is given more points - the multiplication factor is used. The player should choose itself level on which it can earn more points.The size matters! The the word is longer, the it is more than points for it it is possible to receive. If you manage to spend in general all letters receive a bonus!So, points that more will earn who more cleverly, faster and the main thing will correctly pick up strategy which to it approaches. Your results can be compared to others in game the center, and also achievements on Facebook and Twitter! - Duración: 2 Meses - Año: 2011


  • StableFlow

The RISQ Fraud Health Check has been designed to allow companies to perform a self-assessment of their exposure to fraud. It is based on our experience in the fraud risk management arena and on fraud cases we have investigated over the last 20+ years.It is user-friendly and is applicable to any company regardless of size, market segment or geographical location or countries of operation. Used properly, we believe this can be a powerful tool in assisting companies in their fight against theft, fraud and other unlawful conduct.The Fraud Health Check has been broken down to cover the following areas within a business:Section 1: ProcurementSection 2: PayrollSection 3: Cash handlingSection 4: Accounts HandlingSection 5: Inventory ControlSection 6: Information TechnologySection 7: SecuritySection 8: Human ResourcesSection 9: Policies and trainingSection 10: CultureThe questions and answers have been weighted to allow the user to identify those areas within their business which require further attention in order to reduce the risk of suffering a loss from fraud. Treating these high risk areas should help protect organisations from suffering losses in the future as a result of internal or external fraud. - Duración: 2 Semanas - Año: 2011



Wish you could have one of the world´s leading authorities on SIX PACK ABS in your pocket? Now you can with the 6 Pack Promise by ATHLEAN-X!Celebrity and pro athlete trainer Jeff Cavaliere gives you his step by step ab transformation workouts directly to your Droid. Now you can follow the same exact ab workouts that today´s top professional athletes are doing to get ripped, insane abs in less than 8 minutes per workout!With over 100 ab ripping exercises available, you´ll never get bored with your ab training again!Really want to mix things up? No problem. Utilize the built in ab shuffle feature and create a brand new ab challenge at the flick of a finger! Each and every workout is delivered to you based on it´s level of difficulty, so never feel as though you´ll be left behind in your pursuit of a six pack!Finally, no six pack shredding plan is complete without a game plan for eating the right foods at the right time. Cavaliere has you covered there as well. The 6 Pack Promise app comes with it´s own 8 week meal plan! Never be at a loss for which foods cut you up the best and show off that six pack. Instead, be armed with the 6 Pack Promise and you´ll always have the right information to bail you out of those tempting bad food situations!It´s time to make a promise to yourself of a whole new midsection in 2012. It´s time to make the 6 Pack Promise! - Duración: 3 Meses - Año: 2011


  • Roschier

Keep up to speed on Roschier´s news and careers, find our people and locate restaurants, hotels, coffee shops and other points of interest around our office. - Duración: 2 Meses - Año: 2012

Fantasy Day Trader

  • StableFlow

Experience the thrill of trading on global markets just like a pro, with the chance to win prizes.Fantasy Day Trader allows you to do just that, and contains all the features of a live trading app.• View streaming quotes from more than 175 exchanges plus commodities, currencies, indexes and mutual funds• View charts to see how your stocks are performing• View technical analysis tips from the experts• Catch the latest breaking news• Place orders to buy or sell • Set price and news alertsand much much more Enjoy! - Duración: 1 Años - Año: 2012

Texas Holdem Poker 3

  • GameLoft

¡Llega Texas Hold´em Poker 3, el mejor juego de póquer para móviles! Disfruta del modo Duelos, Sit & Go y Recompensa. Desafía a tus amigos para demostrar tu supremacía en el juego con las clasificaciones y los logros. Conviértete en un verdadero profesional y viaja por el mundo a través de 8 ciudades diferentes (Las Vegas, Londres, París y más) en el adictivo modo Carrera. Con gráficos mejorados, modo Práctica y la I.A. podrás entrenar y apuntalar tus habilidades para convertirte en el mejor jugador. ¡Prepárate para conquistar la mesa de juego y superar a tus amigos! - Duración: 9 Meses - Año: 2012

World at Arms

  • GameLoft

Wage war for your nation and fight the evil KRA! - Duración: 1 Años - Año: 2013


  • MobiDev

wrapLive is a fun, easy-to-use app that lets you and your friends privately share moments from events, trips—and anything in your life—with each other.With wrapLive, you don´t have to beg everyone on your camping trip to send photos after the fact. There´s no clunky albums, annoying uploads or endless emails. Instead, people you invite can post their photos in a private wrap for the group to enjoy — right as the moments happen.What´s a wrap, exactly? Wraps are private spaces for documenting your favorite photos and moments. Anyone in the wrap can add photos for everyone in the wrap to see. The best part? It´s live.Features:- Easily make wraps for any event, no matter how big or small- Invite friends and family through your phone´s address book- Take hi-res photos right from the app; post them instantly- Everyone in the wrap can add photos, comment or chat- Photos conveniently organized by date- Watch your wrap unfold live, or look back on it days, weeks or years later. We´ll never delete your wraps.- No wrap limit. Make as many as you want!- Cloud-based app lets you access your wraps from any deviceA few of our favorite wraps:- The Kid Wrap: Invite grandparents, aunts and uncles—even your babysitter—so everyone can enjoy your little one´s every moment.- The Bachelorette Wrap: Ask bridesmaids to post their snaps as the weekend unfolds. (It´s totally private, so no need to worry about your boss seeing.)- The Couple Wrap: Just for you and your Sig O. Add photos of you together, or post pics when you´re apart. Perfect for long-distance couples.- The Trip Wrap: Easy access to everyone´s photos—and no more piles of cameras each time you take a group shot.- The Party wrap: Add every guest to the wrap, and watch as the night progresses—and hilarity ensues. - Duración: 1 Años - Año: 2014


  • Taxitory

Taxitory permite comunicarse con el cliente directamente sin dispatcher.¡Comiencen a ganar independientemente exactamente ahora! ¡Establezcan la aplicación Taxitory Driver a su smartphone! - Duración: 3 Meses - Año: 2014

Taxitory Client

  • Taxitory

La aplicación conveniente Taxitory el Taxi para su smartphone le permitirá rápidamente y cómodamente encargar el taxi, habiendo escogido mejor por el coste y el juego de las opciones la proposición de nuestros conductores profesionales. - Duración: 3 Meses - Año: 2014

Detalles académicos

FP2/Grado Superior

Desarrollo de Apicaciones Informáticas

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